Economics for a Post- Covid 19 World
Session 3

Economics for a Post- Covid 19 World

The global health pandemic has laid bare the flaws of mainstream economics. It’s time for a paradigm shift.

The global health pandemic has exposed major flaws of the dominant economic paradigm that defined public policy in the western world for the last four decades. While governments have intervened with massive rescue packages to save it, the fact that mainstream economics has failed the masses and pushed the planet to the brink of environmental disaster is too obvious and can no longer be ignored. In this 5-session course, Alanna Hartzok will present an alternative framework that places justice, shared prosperity and environmental sustainability at the center of economic policy.

Alanna is co-founder and co-director of Earth Rights Institute. She is the author of The Earth Belongs to Everyone which received the 2008 Radical Middle Book Award. She has given lectures and seminars on how to structure public finance and tax policy to address issues of wealth distribution, the environment, infrastructure, education and peace.

Alanna’s specific approaches include fair land tenure and public finance from a local-to-global framework. Under contract with the UN HABITAT’s Global Land Tool Network, she developed an online course and training program that had nearly 900 people enrolled from 95 countries.

Dates: Mondays 6/22*, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20
Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM

Code of Conduct

Note: This is an online event. Access information will be made available upon registration.

*This start of this course has been moved from 6/15 to 6/22

Economics for a Post- Covid 19 World
Session 2

Economics for a Post- Covid 19 World

The global health pandemic has laid bare the flaws of mainstream economics. It’s time for a paradigm shift.

The global health pandemic has exposed major flaws of the dominant economic paradigm that defined public policy in the western world for the last four decades. While governments have intervened with massive rescue packages to save it, the fact that mainstream economics has failed the masses and pushed the planet to the brink of environmental disaster is too obvious and can no longer be ignored. In this 5-session course, Alanna Hartzok will present an alternative framework that places justice, shared prosperity and environmental sustainability at the center of economic policy.

Alanna is co-founder and co-director of Earth Rights Institute. She is the author of The Earth Belongs to Everyone which received the 2008 Radical Middle Book Award. She has given lectures and seminars on how to structure public finance and tax policy to address issues of wealth distribution, the environment, infrastructure, education and peace.

Alanna’s specific approaches include fair land tenure and public finance from a local-to-global framework. Under contract with the UN HABITAT’s Global Land Tool Network, she developed an online course and training program that had nearly 900 people enrolled from 95 countries.

Dates: Mondays 6/22*, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20
Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM

Code of Conduct

Note: This is an online event. Access information will be made available upon registration.

*This start of this course has been moved from 6/15 to 6/22

Economics for a Post- Covid 19 World
Session 1

Economics for a Post- Covid 19 World

The global health pandemic has laid bare the flaws of mainstream economics. It’s time for a paradigm shift.

The global health pandemic has exposed major flaws of the dominant economic paradigm that defined public policy in the western world for the last four decades. While governments have intervened with massive rescue packages to save it, the fact that mainstream economics has failed the masses and pushed the planet to the brink of environmental disaster is too obvious and can no longer be ignored. In this 5-session course, Alanna Hartzok will present an alternative framework that places justice, shared prosperity and environmental sustainability at the center of economic policy.

Alanna is co-founder and co-director of Earth Rights Institute. She is the author of The Earth Belongs to Everyone which received the 2008 Radical Middle Book Award. She has given lectures and seminars on how to structure public finance and tax policy to address issues of wealth distribution, the environment, infrastructure, education and peace.

Alanna’s specific approaches include fair land tenure and public finance from a local-to-global framework. Under contract with the UN HABITAT’s Global Land Tool Network, she developed an online course and training program that had nearly 900 people enrolled from 95 countries.

Dates: Mondays 6/22*, 6/29, 7/6, 7/13, 7/20
Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM

Code of Conduct

Note: This is an online event. Access information will be made available upon registration.

*This start of this course has been moved from 6/15 to 6/22

Land Value Return and Recycling for Prosperity, Sustainability and Equity
Session 5


Public infrastructure has long played a crucial role in the growth and prosperity of our cities. How we raise funds to pay for infrastructure is just as important as how much funding we raise for this purpose. In this 5-session online course, we will examine:

  • The relationship between infrastructure, land use, sustainability, resilience and equity;
  • The difference between taxes and fees;
  • The impact of different infrastructure funding techniques on integrating infrastructure and land use along with their impacts on total and per-capita infrastructure costs, job creation and affordable housing;
  • “Land value return & recycling” as an important, but often-overlooked component of infrastructure funding; and
  •   Opportunities for and impediments to LVRR implementation.

The instructor Rick Rybeck is the Founder and Director of Just Economics LLC, a Washington DC based consultancy that assists communities in promoting job creation, affordable housing, transportation efficiency and sustainable economic development.

Dates: Thursdays 5/21, 5/28, 6/4, 6/11, 6/18

Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM

Location: Online (Please register to receive access information)

Code of Conduct


Join Zoom Meeting

5 sessions
Registration fees are waved for the duration of the health crisis

Land Value Return and Recycling for Prosperity, Sustainability and Equity
Session 4


Public infrastructure has long played a crucial role in the growth and prosperity of our cities. How we raise funds to pay for infrastructure is just as important as how much funding we raise for this purpose. In this 5-session online course, we will examine:

  • The relationship between infrastructure, land use, sustainability, resilience and equity;
  • The difference between taxes and fees;
  • The impact of different infrastructure funding techniques on integrating infrastructure and land use along with their impacts on total and per-capita infrastructure costs, job creation and affordable housing;
  • “Land value return & recycling” as an important, but often-overlooked component of infrastructure funding; and
  •   Opportunities for and impediments to LVRR implementation.

The instructor Rick Rybeck is the Founder and Director of Just Economics LLC, a Washington DC based consultancy that assists communities in promoting job creation, affordable housing, transportation efficiency and sustainable economic development.

Dates: Thursdays 5/21, 5/28, 6/4, 6/11, 6/18

Time: 6:30PM – 8:30PM

Location: Online (Please register to receive access information)

Code of Conduct


Join Zoom Meeting

5 sessions
Registration fees are waved for the duration of the health crisis