Archive for month: April, 2021
Factbox: U.S. tech giants in the EU antitrust crosshairs
/0 Comments/in Monopoly News, What's New In Economics/by HGSSS ADMINTax and spend, crony capitalism and the peasant revolt
/0 Comments/in Blog/by HGSSS ADMINLet’s veer into the political economy today, a sort of third rail of market and economic commentary. The reason I want to discuss it is the tax grab contemplated by the Biden Administration in the US.
There Really Is No Ethical Restaurant Under Capitalism
/0 Comments/in What's New In Economics/by HGSSS ADMINWhat an AI Laundry Machine Taught Me About Economics
/1 Comment/in Blog, Tech & Society/by HGSSS ADMINWe arrived in Japan recently to attend to some family matters. One household issue we also wanted to deal with was our legacy washing machine. Little did I know that this would start an adventure in both technology and Economics.
With AirTags, Apple launches a new product — and invites antitrust scrutiny
/0 Comments/in Monopoly News, What's New In Economics/by HGSSS ADMINTaxing more from the rich is difficult. This is how to do it
/0 Comments/in What's New In Economics/by HGSSS ADMINRobert Reich: How corporations crush the working class
/0 Comments/in What's New In Economics/by HGSSS ADMINHow the Profound Changes in Economics Make Left Versus Right Debates Irrelevant
/0 Comments/in What's New In Economics/by HGSSS ADMINNYC Office
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