Economy 2.0: A Conversation with Ed Dodson
Tues | 2/18
Economy 2.0: A Conversation with Phillip Ullmann
Tues | 3/04
Economy 2.0: A Conversation with Cameron Sajedi
Tues | 3/18
Economy 2.0: A Conversation with Teun van Sambook
Tues | 4/08
Economy 2.0: A Conversation with Ed Dodson
Tues | 2/18
Economy 2.0: A Conversation with Phillip Ullmann
Tues | 3/04
Economy 2.0: A Conversation with Cameron Sajedi
Tues | 3/18
Economy 2.0: A Conversation with Teun van Sambook
Tues | 4/08
Visit our YouTube Channel for current and previously recorded seminars.
Automation, AI and ChatGPT – How will Labor be Affected?
Modern Money & Public Policy – Should we worry about the Federal Deficit?
Monopoly! The Real Story Behind America’s Most Popular Game
Cryptocurrencies: Computing Foundations, Risks and Socioeconomic Impacts
Housing in New York City – What it takes to tackle the Affordability Crisis
Congestion Pricing is Coming to New York City – Is it Fair? Can it Work?
In Quest of a Multipolar World Order- With Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar
Land Value Tax Breakthrough in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
When Workingmen Shook the World – the 1886 NYC Mayor’s Race
A Hard Look at Rent and Rent Seeking with Michael Hudson & Pepe Escobar
Inequalities and the Progressive Era – Breakthroughs and Legacies
Economy and Society in Post-Socialist Realm
The Green New Deal – What is it and How do we Pay for it?
Behemoth: Amazon’s Unbreakable Dominance of the Book Business
Rent Reform Meets Reality
Congestion Pricing is Coming to the City – Is it fair? Will it Work?
Debating Monetary Reform – A Hard Look at MMT
Amazon’s Retreat: Good for New York?
The Money System, Our Economy and You
After NAFTA: North America at a Crossroads
Rents, Public Policy, Economic Justice – Revisiting Henry George’s Legacy
Automation and Jobs: Why It’s Really Different This Time