AI Social Risk? Real or Imagined by AI?
The development of AI has been centuries in the making. We notice it’s seeming instantaneous emergence in recent years as if it landed in a flash of light. Yet this lightning strike has been glowing within the computing world for over 75 years and much longer with philosophers and mathematicians. In most cases with the emergence of new technologies there have been some growing pains. However, science, engineering, and policy have acted to improve the solutions at each step. In this blog entry we will turn our attention to the history of AI, some of its key building blocks, and how its maturation may impact the types of social interests which Henry George discussed at length.
Eat the Poor, Boise Edition
In a nation with so many problems, being informed about issues from on high can be jarring. What’s not so harsh is finding practical solutions performed by people living with the pain. But, unfortunately, we have to descend to the ground for that.
The U.S. Has No (And Never Could Have A) Debt Crisis
There is total confusion on both sides of the aisle (or perhaps willful obscuration) about the reality of public credit and public debt, and the absence of a need to borrow any money for a supposed budget shortfall, as evidenced by an article published earlier this year in the New York Times (Baker and Tankersley 2023). The compromise to extend the Congressional bipartisan budget and debt talks until 2025 has not changed anything.
Global Dispatches: Land Value Capture Updates
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