Congestion Charges - Second Best Choice to Fund Public Transit in New York City?

Congestion Charges – Second Best Choice to Fund Public Transit in New York City?

2018-01-31 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Henry George School of Social Science
Phone:(212) 889-8020
Address: 149 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016

In October 2017 Governor Cuomo established the FIX NYC Advisory Panel to recommend actions to reduce traffic congestion in Manhattan and to identify sources of revenue for public transit. The Panel’s recommendations, published this month, include imposing charges on vehicles entering the Central Business District of Manhattan, a “congestion charge”.

The Panel’s recommendations impact all New Yorkers.

Tonight Dr. Marty Rowland and guests review the case for congestion pricing in New York City. The speakers will consider alternative methods to provide a stable, long-term source of finance for public transit, while ensuring that public expenditure is for public benefit.

Marty Rowland studied economics under Daniel W. Bromley, emeritus professor of applied economics at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and used the theories of Elinor Ostrom (2010 Nobel Prize Economist) on common pool resource management systems. A Georgist since his arrival in NYC in 2009, Marty is active in presenting his ideas, most recently at the John Jay College’s Left Forum. Marty is a licensed professional engineer, Certified Passive House Designer, and designer of permaculture systems.

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    Note: This is an online event. After registration, the Zoom link, along with the Meeting ID and Passcode, will be provided via email the day of the session.