Henry George and the Money Question

2024-02-19 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Henry George School of Social Science
Phone:(212) 889-8020
Address: 149 East 38th Street, New York, NY 10016


There’s a widely held belief that George’s views on money were not well developed, that he waited until his last book to really delve into that topic, and left it, sadly, unfinished. However, monetary scholar Stephen Zarlenga contends that by 1884, George already had a very advanced understanding of how money works and that it is still relevant today. In this webinar, Dr. Marty Rowland will summarize Zarlenga’s findings on money, demonstrating that George spoke often about money, even in earlier books, including Social Problems, Protection and Free Trade, and in his newspaper, The Standard.

Instructor: Dr. Marty Rowland

Date: Mon, February 19, 2024
Time: 6:30 PM — 7:30 PM ET

Note: This is an online event. After registration, the Zoom link, along with the Meeting ID and Passcode, will be provided via email the day of the session.

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    Note: This is an online event. After registration, the Zoom link, along with the Meeting ID and Passcode, will be provided via email the day of the session.