Blog posts discussing Henry George, Technology, Land Value Tax and more…

Tech Driven Monopolies and the Threat of Innovation

If you were born in the 1990s you might never have questioned the pervasiveness of companies like Google in the Internet domain. For you, such companies, products, services, and technologies have been ever present and seemingly unassailable.

Yet in the past few months we have seen the emergence of a set of technologies, especially ChatGPT, which have opened the real possibility of a technical and business threat to Google’s near monopoly on Internet search.

South Africa: Land of Hope and Many Sins

The Republic of South Africa (RSA) is a study in contrasts. It’s a history of colonialism, post-colonialism, then national liberation for all…a fast-paced evolution from around 1910 (when the Brits pulled out) until today. The rapid changes in politics and the very structure of society are watched with trepidation by South Africa’s neighbors and its citizens.

Erie, Pennsylvania: Missteps and Next Steps

This saga is slowly unfolding in Erie, Pennsylvania. By slow, we mean since 1960. Continue reading to see how this story unfolds.

Global Dispatches: Land Value Capture Updates

Reality Economics Blog

Tech & Society Blog


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