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Your Voice in Our Democracy – Evaluating the Quality of our Electoral System


Writing on elections in “Social Problems”, Henry George noted “Much too, may be done to restrict the abuse of party machinery and make the ballot the true expression of the will of the people, by simplifying our elective methods”. Citizens throughout the United States have many question regarding the integrity of American electoral process. Andrés Ceballos suggests methods to measure the quality of an electoral system, and highlights features of electoral systems in other countries.

Andrés Ceballos is a Colombian American political expert. He spent the last ten years working in military and development cooperation programs between the United States and Colombia. His most recent position in the Electoral Observation Mission (MOE), a network of civil society organizations with countrywide presence, focused on the stewardship of political relations within the international community. MOE is a key participant in designing the new electoral architecture stipulated in the second point of the Peace Accords. MOE is an independent nonprofit organization that seeks to generate more active, informed and responsible citizens in Colombia and abroad.

Instructor: Andrés Ceballos
Sessions: 1
Date: Friday, February 24
Time6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST


John Haynes Holmes Community House

28 East 35th Street

(between Madison and Park Avenues)