Expand your economic and social horizons with practical
seminars filled with robust thinking that you can put to use.


Raising the Price of Money – the Consequences of Higher Interest Rates


In December 2016, for only the second time in a decade, the central bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve System, raised interest rates by ¼%. Interest rates are forecast to increase further in 2017.  Why is the price of money going up? What are the consequences of higher interest rates for workers, businesses, investors, savers, and borrowers? What impact will higher interest rates have on prices and the value of the dollar, and the U.S. and world economies?   Please join us for this free interactive seminar to learn more.

Sessions: 1
Dates: Wednesday, January 18
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM


John Haynes Holmes Community House, 28 East 35th Street (Madison & Park)