What Would Henry George Say?
Still Relevant, Still Poignant
By Dr. Marty Rowland
On Monday, November 28, 2022, the New York Times writer Emma Goldberg writes an article titled Have the Anticapitalists Reached Harvard Business School? (found here: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/28/business/business-school-social-justice.html). The article seems to suggest that social justice is antithetical to capitalism and that the two don’t mix very well.
What Would Henry George Say?
As Henry George argued more than a century ago, social justice need not be “anti-capitalist.” In fact, socially just capitalism does and can exist when we avoid taxing wages and production and return and recycle land values to its rightful owner: the community. It appears that the author of the NYTimes piece does not recognize that true capitalism, where markets are free, monopolies restricted and rent collected for public purposes is the straightest path to social justice.
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