Why is Socialism a Religion while Capitalism is not?

American Exceptionalism began with those who escaped Europe during the Thirty Years War because they were unwilling to fight for one orthodoxy, and its asserted Magisterium, against all competing orthodoxies. As a consequence of the first Americans simply leaving the quarrels of Europe behind, the American colonies developed a very different concept of polity than the post-Westphalian nation-states of Europe. The victory of the Union in the American Civil War led to a century when the Federal government attempted to remake the Union as a European, Bismarckian nation-state. In addition, the rise of Marxism as a transnational, supranational philosophy of government by moral principle has intruded into the American debate a moral authority putatively greater than that of the self-sovereign individual.
We now find ourselves in a political stalemate between government by asserted moral principle and government by the self-interest of self-sovereign individuals. This talk will examine the ramifications of these developments.

Instructor: Dr. W. E. Perry

Date: Tues, January 14, 2025
Time: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM ET