Expand your economic and social horizons with practical
seminars filled with robust thinking that you can put to use.


Why does our economy go Boom Bust Boom?


In his seminal book, Progress and Poverty, Henry George clearly showed that society’s enormous power to produce wealth was not a cause of recessions and depressions. Why, 137 years later, with even better technology, do we still have unemployment, homelessness, and low wages?

Insights in the acclaimed documentary “Boom Bust, Boom” by Terry Jones will help us explore the nature of the business cycle and consider strategies to make the economy work for everyone.

Thanks to the team at www.boombustclick.com for facilitating this seminar. Please visit their web site to learn more about the film and the global movement to democratize economics.

Instructor: TBA
Sessions: 1
Dates: Friday, June 10, 2016
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM


John Haynes Holmes Community House, 28 East 35th Street (Madison & Park)