Inequalities and the Progressive Era – Breakthroughs and Legacies

Friday, November 13th

An interactive book presentation webinar on the Progressive Era.

In this special webinar, Professor Guillaume Vallet will introduce his newly published work “Inequalities and the Progressive Era – Breakthroughs and Legacies”, featuring contributions from many authors, each exploring a facet of inequality during the ‘Progressive Era’ (1890s-1930s). Though it is most associated with the United States, the “Progressive Era” corresponds to a vibrant historical period in which profound changes and progress were achieved or expected all over the world.


Guillaume Vallet is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Grenoble Alpes, and Research Fellow at the Centre de Recherche en Économie de Grenoble (CREG) and the Institut de Recherche pour l’Economie Politique de l’Entreprise (IREPE), France. Guillaume is also a researcher at the Geneva based Institute of Sociological Research (ISR).

You can purchase a copy of Guillaume’s book on ElgaronlineAmazon, and Google Play