Expand your economic and social horizons with practical
seminars filled with robust thinking that you can put to use.


Capitalism Made in Germany

Germany’s unique form of capitalism is not well understood by many. This interactive seminar reveals how a distinctive national culture, history and stabilizing institutions deeply imprinted German capitalism. Co-determination in labor relations, dual apprenticeship vocational training, public banking, a social welfare safety net and German “Mittelstand;”altogether make Germany a world leader in exports, second only to China. Join us to discuss the secrets behind the “German model” and draw some important lessons that others could learn from.

Location: Henry George School of Social Science, 149 East 38th Street (Between Lexington & 3rd Avenue) New York, NY 10016
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Date: Thursday January 31st, 2019
Instructor: Michael Bucher

Space is limited, please register !